Recommend & profit
You know and like CHANNOINE and are convinced of the uniqueness of the products? Can you imagine recommending CHANNOINE to your friends and acquaintances? Then take advantage of our reward model. Your recommendation is worth something to us!
Feel free to tell others what you like yourself!
You can probably remember receiving recommendations from friends or acquaintances for a good restaurant, a special vacation location or an exciting movie. And if it was a good recommendation, you were grateful for it. Right?
Basically, the people who have given you a tip or advice have become a kind of "ambassador".
And it is precisely this everyday, well-known recommendation culture that we at CHANNOINE have taken a close look at and created the lucrative concept of the beauty ambassador for recommenders
Recommend &
premium option
Entscheide Dich, ob Du Dein Guthaben als 20% Barwert oder noch lukrativer in Form von 30% Einkaufsguthaben für CHANNOINE Produkte einlösen möchtest.
Recommend CHANNOINE to your family, friends and acquaintances. Personally, on social media or other channels.
reward bonus
For every online purchase volume that people recommended by you achieve for CHANNOINE purchases within the first 12 months, we will thank you either with a cash reward or with a lucrative online voucher for your personal purchase.
business further
Decide for more!
Become a CHANNOINE partner and benefit from further attractive rewards, service offers, training opportunities and much more.
Do you still have questions?
We are here for you!
Basically anyone, there are no restrictions. If you are of legal age and are convinced of CHANNOINE products yourself, it is worthwhile for you to share your experience with CHANNOINE with your friends and acquaintances.
We have two ways for you to become a CHANNOINE Beauty Ambassador:
- If you know CHANNOINE and are already being looked after by a regional CHANNOINE consultant, he or she will always be there to answer your questions and register you in the CHANNOINE referral program.
- Alternatively, you can contact us directly via the online contact form (www.channoine.com) and we will work with you to take care of all the other details for a quick start as a beauty ambassador.
After creating an online account for you at www.channoine.com (if you are not already registered) and activating it in the CHANNOINE referral program, you will be sent your personal Beauty Ambassador ID. And you're ready to go.
Every purchase made through a Beauty Ambassador recommendation is automatically linked to the corresponding Beauty Ambassador ID after initial registration. It is important that all referrers enter your Beauty Ambassador ID in the input field provided for this purpose at check-out or in the online account when making an initial online purchase.
Once your ID has been registered in an online account at www.channoine.com, it will remain active for 12 months from the date of registration. This means that you automatically benefit from every completed purchase within the twelve-month period.
Recommendations always have a special value that should be rewarded appropriately. At CHANNOINE, we have two remuneration options with which we would like to thank our beauty ambassadors.
- As a cash value, we will pay you 20 percent on every purchase volume that can be assigned to your Beauty Ambassador ID and was achieved by your referral within the first 12 months after their initial registration in the CHANNOINE webshop.
- But because we have a special bond with you as part of our CHANNOINE fan community, we have an even more lucrative rewards version for you: If you use your beauty ambassador credits for your personal purchases in the CHANNOINE online store, your referral rewards will be increased to a full 30 percent. All other conditions remain unchanged for this rewards version.
Whatever you choose, you can decide for yourself when you activate your Beauty Ambassador cooperation. Please note, however, that your chosen remuneration option cannot be changed afterwards.
Depending on the remuneration option you have selected, you can call up the bonus credit you have earned in your online account at www.channoine.com as follows:
- If you choose the cash value option, we will pay you the 20% of the purchase volume in one lump sum at the end of the respective annual period - or in installments, which you can access and pay out at any time via your online account.
- With the more lucrative option of 30% shopping credit in the CHANNOINE online store, your current credit balance can be viewed at any time in your online account at www.channoine.com and you can redeem your credit directly for your personal online product orders.
There are no limits: So whenever you think we can do something for a person in your circle of friends or acquaintances to improve their skin appearance or optimize their vitality, you can use your Beauty Ambassador ID to make a recommendation. The more often your recommendations lead to completed online purchases that are linked to your Beauty Ambassador ID, the more your rewards account will increase.
Please note, however, that each referral is subject to a reward validity period of 12 months from the date of the first online purchase.
Here we have summarized all the essentials once again:
- Contact your known CHANNOINE consultant or use the online contact form at www.channoine.com to register as a beauty ambassador.
- Brief verification of your account details and registration as a CHANNOINE Beauty Ambassador at www.channoine.com . You will then be assigned your personal Beauty Ambassador ID. From then on, your Beauty Ambassador ID can be assigned to the online purchases of your referrals and your rewards can be credited to you.
- Choose one of the two reward variants, the 20% cash version or the more lucrative 30% version, which we will credit to you for your personal online purchases.
- Just your thing? Then you're ready to go. You can now recommend CHANNOINE and NOBUSAN to your friends and acquaintances and reward yourself with attractive rewards.
- If you are already a CHANNOINE customer, your CHANNOINE advisor will be happy to provide you with special referral vouchers that offer additional benefits for your referrals.
- Or you can spread your CHANNOINE Beauty Ambassador ID digitally to friends, acquaintances and family members. It's up to you to decide how you want to use your Beauty Ambassador ID for recommendations. In any case, we are delighted to welcome you to our circle of beauty ambassador partners and look forward to our journey together.
Register now & profit.
In order for us to register you as a beauty ambassador, we need a few more details from you. Please complete the following input fields so that we can prepare an online account for you and enter all the necessary details in the CHANNOINE recommendation program.
If you already have an online account on our website, please log in and activate the "I would like to become a beauty ambassador" button in your account overview. You will then receive all further information directly from us.