
Beauty Culture

When skin care becomes unique.

Perfectly maintained
from the outside.

CHANNOINE Cosmetic Culture is a unique skin care product with an unsurpassed density of active ingredients.

Discover cosmetics & care
Discover cosmetics & care

Ideally complemented
from the inside.

Healthy vitality & vitality with the help of balanced vital and active ingredients from nature.

Discover vital substances & nutrition
Discover vital substances & nutrition
Find your match

Skin image
analysis now!

Take a few minutes to take a web-based skin image test and find out which skincare routine suits you best.


Brünette Frau mit gepflegter Haut -  Channoine Hautbildanalyse

Perfectly maintained from outside

Vital substances & nutrition

Unique vital power from nature

Discover NOBUSAN Nutrition and experience an optimized quality of life through concentrated vital power.

Frau drinkt einen Vitalshake, erfahre mehr über Vitalstoffe und Ernährung - Nobusan Nutrition

Ideally complemented by inside.

Channoine Cosmetic Culture

All CHANNOINE products are the result of decades of beauty research. The most valuable ingredients in unsurpassed active ingredient density formulated for beauty.


Cosmetic Culture?

cosmetic formula

All CHANNOINE products are the result of decades of beauty research. The most valuable ingredients in unsurpassed active ingredient density - formulated for your beauty!

Experience skincare like never before.

system maintenance

At CHANNOINE, we understand system care to mean products that are perfectly tailored to each skin type, complementing each other in their care potential and increasing their effectiveness. 

In other words, beauty with a system!

Quality level
a high level

Every single CHANNOINE beauty product is not only formulated with the finest and most valuable raw materials. Our beauty stars are also unique in terms of the density and concentration of their active ingredients.

A passion for quality!

the animal welfare

No animal has ever suffered for a CHANNOINE product. Instead, a CHANNOINE foundation cares for homeless dogs and cats on the Balearic Islands.

CHANNOINE - 100 % effect, 0 % animal testing

Scientific proven

CHANNOINE has always focused on combining unusually fine natural substances and high-tech active ingredients in the best possible way in every product concept and development. Traditional cosmetics research works hand in hand with state-of-the-art technology.

The scientifically proven effect of our products - and hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers - show that this concept is of great value to our customers!