Fitness, sports and vitality
NOBUSAN-Nutrition for performance enhancement and regeneration
NOBUSAN is always at your side - in every situation!

Natural and specifically tuned
It is generally known that the intake of certain vital substances increases athletic fitness. In recent years, however, research has made many groundbreaking discoveries that NOBUSAN-Nutrition has used directly for special sports supplements. NOBUSAN specialty supplements not only contain vitamins, minerals and trace elements, but also performance-enhancing plant extracts and valuable amino acid profiles. Naturally without doping risk, like every product from NOBUSAN-Nutrition. Simply choose the vital substance power that suits you best.
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Vital substance tips for hobby, endurance, strength and top-class sport
Is sport important to you in your free time in order to stay or get fit? Then don't trust the old popular belief that so-called "iso drinks" or effervescent tablets can give your body back what it loses when you sweat! On the contrary, such drinks usually contain a lot of sugar and/or caffeine to simulate a temporary feeling of alertness. It's better to have fruit or a good muesli bar before exercise and, of course, plenty of water. Everything else you need is waiting for you at NOBUSAN.
In endurance sports, vital substance deficiency symptoms are not far away. The long periods of exertion draw significantly more reserves from muscles and tissue than a weekly jog, for example. Therefore, supplement your (hopefully healthy and varied!) diet daily with the Vital Power supplements from NOBUSAN-Nutrition.
Our special amino acid supplement COROPTYN is essential for improving performance and healthy regeneration. Your muscles are already waiting for it!
As the name suggests, weight training builds strength - but it also consumes energy. In addition to calorie intake, a performance-related intake of vital substances is therefore essential. After all, muscles can only grow and function perfectly if they are optimally supplied with nutrients. At the top of the list of muscle fitters are certain amino acids, which are available in high doses from NOBUSAN-Nutrition in the special preparation COROPTYN.
For daily supplementation of vital substances, you will find other vital substance supplements at NOBUSAN-Nutrition.
Competitive athletes need a different supply of vital substances than amateur athletes. The need for amino acids in particular increases enormously as a result of training that constantly pushes the body to its limits. In addition to the minerals lost through sweating and the like (especially magnesium and potassium), growing muscle mass also needs complex amino acids in order to remain healthy and efficient.
COROPTYN, a very special preparation, was developed precisely for this target group: Competitive athletes cover their increased need for other vital substances with additional vital preparations from NOBUSAN-Nutrition.
Tips for your fitness and vitality at any age
Physical fitness does not necessarily have to go hand in hand with muscle mass and a flat stomach. You are fit when you feel good in your body, enjoy exercise and are largely healthy. It is well known that a healthy diet and plenty of exercise are crucial for this. NOBUSAN-Nutrition can help to close supply gaps and support you in a healthy lifestyle with special, effective vital substance formulations.
Also important: You can find out more about "Sport and nutritional supplements" under "Improving performance in sport" in the VITAPROOF Vital Lounge!
Health is more than just the absence of illness," a wise person once said. And it's true! Just because you are organically healthy does not mean that you cannot - and should not - optimize your vitality even further! To increase your quality of life, NOBUSAN Nutrition offers sophisticated vital substance formulations that can support you in any life situation and at any age with increased fitness, vitality and more balance.
Find the optimal vital substance preparations for you at NOBUSAN.
Vital substance tips for your concentration and mental fitness
Medical science defines mental fitness as a good ability to remember and learn, sufficient concentration potential and a certain resistance to stress. Unfortunately, many factors impair such a desirable state of fitness: poor nutrition, little intellectual stimulation, lack of sleep, little fresh air and worries, for example, are real brain cell killers! It's good that you can effectively support the gray cells with vital substance preparations from NOBUSAN Nutrition.
Anyone caught in a cycle of family and professional stress can sooner or later be confronted with the risk of emotional exhaustion (burnout). Unfortunately, it is not always possible to eliminate external stressors - but it is always possible to at least optimize the organic supply of vital substances! Of course, you can't expect miracles from this, but you can expect a mental improvement.
NOBUSAN Nutrition for Fitness, sports and regeneration

sport and physical stress
Vitality supplements from NOBUSAN-Nutrition are always designed for a wide variety of sports and activities.
Whether endurance sports such as jogging or cycling, weight training, team sports or other activities - NOBUSAN-Nutrition always has the right vitality booster for you.
Vitality supplements from NOBUSAN-Nutrition not only contain essential vitamin profiles, minerals and trace elements, but also high-quality and performance-enhancing amino acids.
Valuable for optimizing physical and mental performance and for improved regeneration phases.
and safe
NOBUSAN products meet all quality standards, are safe in every respect and are naturally doping-free.
Athletes can be sure at all times that they can entrust their fitness and vitality to NOBUSAN in an ethical and safe manner.
Whether it's endurance training, muscle building, weight loss or simply a general improvement in fitness - NOBUSAN-Nutrition always has the ideal vitality supplements to help you achieve your individual fitness goals.
NOBUSAN-Nutrition always has the ideal vitality supplements to help you achieve your individual fitness goals.