AMDORON, combined with 18 valuable medicinal herbs and probiotic cultures. A powder with everything that protects the stomach and intestines.
As a result, AMDORON helps alleviate digestive stress by gently cleansing the system and counteracting such symptoms as irregularity, heartburn and lack of appetite, as well as feelings of nausea or bloating after meals. The unique combination of natural plant extracts is designed to provide lasting relief from common digestive problems, while encapsulated probiotic cultures help maintain overall gastrointestinal health.
Recommendation for use: Stir in two times a day 1 heaped measuring spoon (= 6 g) of powder in 250 ml warm water or 250 ml low-fat milk (1.5% fat) and drink it preferably just before mealtimes.
Store away from children.
The consumtion of nutritional supplements did not substitute a healthy and varied diet and regimen. Do not exceed the recommended intake.
AMDORON combines 18 premium medicinal herbs with probiotic cultures to support proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Helps alleviate symptoms like bloating, nausea and heartburn.
Store at room temperature (until 21°C), drily and free from sun exposure. Best before 2 month after opening the box.
Free from GM technology (no subject to marking regarding GVO under EG-VO 1829/2003 and 1830/2003.)
Phyto nutritional supplement with sweetener
Content: Powder for 30 portions a day - 360 g
Mais-Dextrin, Taraxacum officinale Extrakt (Löwenzahn-Extrakt), Salvia officinalis Extrakt (Salbei-Extrakt), Artemisia vulgaris Extrakt (Beifuß-Extrakt), Millefolii Herba Extrakt (Schafgarben-Extrakt), Cichorium intybus Extrakt (Wegwarte-Extrakt), Salix alba Extrakt (Silberweiden-Extrakt), Polypodium vulgare Pulver (gewöhnlicher Tüpfelfarn), Nelkenpulver, Gentiana Root Extrakt (gelber Enzian-Extrakt), Fenchelsamenpulver, Artemisia absinthium Extrakt (Wermutkraut-Extrakt), Peucedanum ostruthium Extrakt (Meisterwurz-Extrakt), Kurkuma Extrakt, Artischocken Extrakt, Süßholzwurzelextrakt, Centaurium erythraea Extrakt (Tausendgüldenkraut-Extrakt), Juniperus Communis Extrakt (gemeiner Wacholder-Extrakt), Süßungsmittel Sucralose, Probiotische Kulturen (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum), Zimt, Ingwerpulver, Aroma, Säuerungsmittel (Weinsäure)
Allergen labeling: There are no allergenic ingredients that require labeling.
Traces of egg protein, soy, milk and lactose cannot be ruled out.
Analyse: | Pro 100 g | Pro Portion | pro Tagesdosis* |
Artemisia absinthium Extrakt | 625,00 mg | 37,50 mg | 75,00 mg |
Centaurium erythraea Extrakt | 312,50 mg | 18,75 mg | 37,50 mg |
Cichorium intybus Extrakt | 2500,00 mg | 150,00 mg | 300,00 mg |
Gentiana Root Extrakt | 1000,00 mg | 60,00 mg | 120,00 mg |
Juniperus Communis Extrakt | 208,00 mg | 12,50 mg | 25,00 mg |
Millefolii Herba Extrakt | 2778,00 mg | 166,70 mg | 333,00 mg |
Peucedanum ostruthium Extrakt | 625,00 mg | 37,50 mg | 75,00 mg |
Salvia officinalis Extrakt | 3000,00 mg | 180,00 mg | 360,00 mg |
Taraxacum officinale Extrakt | 4167,00 mg | 250,00 mg | 500,00 mg |
Artemisia vulgaris Extrakt | 3000,00 mg | 180,00 mg | 360,00 mg |
Polypodium vulgare Pulver | 1667,00 mg | 100,00 mg | 200,00 mg |
Salix alba Extrakt | 2083,00 mg | 125,00 mg | 250,00 mg |
Fenchelsamenpulver | 833,00 mg | 50,00 mg | 100,00 mg |
Artischocken Extrakt | 417,00 mg | 25,00 mg | 50,00 mg |
Süßholzwurzelextrakt | 490,00 mg | 29,40 mg | 58,80 mg |
Nelkenpulver | 1250,00 mg | 75,00 mg | 150,00 mg |
Kurkuma Extrakt | 583,00 mg | 35,00 mg | 70,00 mg |
Probiotische Kulturen | 8 x 10^9 KbE | 5 x 10^8 KbE | 1 x 10^9 KbE |
*daily dose = two times a day a portion of 6 g powder = 12 g
NOBUSAN AMDORON is a product of the CHANNOINE AG, Austraße 73, Postfach 1, 9490 VADUZ, LIECHTENSTEIN
Made in BRD
Optimized quality of life with NOBUSAN
Vitality, beauty and quality. NOBUSAN Nutrition relies exclusively on high-quality, balanced vital substances from nature to close supply gaps and enable an optimized, healthy vital status.
Through individual vital status analyses and needs-oriented product recommendations, NOBUSAN supports you in optimizing your vitality and leading a healthy life.